Reputation management

Striving to achieve hospitality’s sustainability goals during COVID

Recessionary times doesn’t have to mean shelving your sustainability programme; to the contrary, we believe this is the right time to re design your hospitality experience, to help you thrive and to deliver sustainable goals.

In this short video (in the time it takes to make a cup of tea), we outline ways to achieve your sustainability goals through the COVID recession. These include:

  • The ‘lockdown’ and the subsequent changes in your operation give you a unique window to analysis the operation’s resource use: when the building was not used and operated at a modest level. Discover where your leaks are, what systems were left on and why that was the case.
  • Now you have identified where practices must change use My Green Butler to guide staff to apply new methods. Share feedback with staff showing them their resource-saving progress.
  • Despite the recession, this is the time to avoid discounting; instead, create a value-based pricing strategy. You can do this through the My Green Butler guest communication tools which motivate guests to participate in saving energy and water and while doing so, increasing their stay ‘delight.’
  • Focus on reputation management to increase guests’ return and loyalty. By sharing with guests your sustainability goals and progress, you build integrity. By inviting them to participate, you increase their participation which in turn raises satisfaction. You can do this using My Green Butler’s guest communication tools which can enhance your reputation.

Now learn more, watch our COVID Recession action plan


Christopher Warren