
Waste Prevention – the WISE way to cut costs and carbon emissions

Waste is a major problem for hospitality because unlike other carbon emissions categories, waste is primarily driven by human behaviours and so technologies alone cannot solve the challenge. People often focus on reducing waste by looking at how best to dispose of waste i.e., to recycle. But this still traps waste within your operations and costs money! There can be a better way to cut waste from the start…

Guest involvement Staff motivation Sustainable technology Technology

Designing Gamification for Responsible Tourism: Giving people a purpose

Responsible tourism is more than minimising your impacts where you travel – it is also about extending the benefits of your trip into the wider community, improving the social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of where you visit. Responsible tourism matters because it helps communities, ecosystems, the tourist, and improves the lives of all involved. Additionally, […]

Guest involvement Sustainable technology

Guest experience design is essential to sustainable hospitality

The greenest hospitality businesses in the world won’t do anyone much good for long if they’re not making money. Talk of sustainability usually (and understandably) revolves around the environment, about waste and conservation. I have written about those topics and will do so again – but not here. This post is about economic sustainability, and […]