Positively reframe the perception of what it means to be a sustainable tourism business.

Some guests connect “sustainability” with reduced comfort and increased cost.

With the My Green Butler service, guests are informed about what you are doing and why. They see your positive results for themselves and begin to understand that resource conservation and waste reduction do not mean a lesser experience.  

This connection builds trust allowing you to further educate on how to best to use the facilities at your property thus inviting your guests to participate in your sustainability goals.


Continuous sustainability
progress for hospitality
by helping





Sales and



Avoid greenwashing by
providing transparent evidence.

My Green Butler allows you to showcase your sustainability story in different ways throughout your property.

Your evidence-based results avoid greenwashing and build consumer confidence.

World-leading guest experience that demonstrates transparent sustainability progress and success.

Tailored guest information

Provide a world-leading digital compendium service that is automatically personalised for each guest and their stay.

Customisable display

Eco feedback and evidence presented to guests is customisable to seamlessly integrate with your brand image and goals.

Insights into guest satisfaction

Obtain valuable real-time insights on guest comfort and feedback resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Guide strategy with real-time data

Real-time resource usage insights allow visibility into how your building is operating, guiding strategy to save carbon and costs.

Hotel Sustainability Solutions by Wise Sustainability Ltd

Sustainable Hotel Management in Australia

Wise Sustainability Ltd, based in Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia, specializes in sustainable hotel management solutions. They focus on providing innovative and strategic sustainable planning for hotels, aiming to enhance environmental sustainability in the hospitality industry.

Environmental Sustainability in Hotels: A Wise Approach

Wise Sustainability Ltd offers unique solutions to drive environmental sustainability in hotels. Their approach includes practical tools like a UN-recognized guest experience app. This app helps hotels in Australia and Europe engage guests and promote green hospitality management.

Innovative Sustainable Hotel Practices

At Wise Sustainability Ltd, the emphasis is on implementing innovative, sustainable hotel practices. They assist hotels in adopting practices that not only comply with sustainability standards but also set new benchmarks in the industry.

Green Solutions for Hotel Management

Wise Sustainability Ltd provides green solutions for hotel management. Their services are designed to help hotels in Australia adopt sustainable accommodation strategies. They offer advice and solutions tailored to the unique needs of each hotel, ensuring the best sustainable hospitality management practices.

Strategic Sustainable Hotel Planning

Strategic sustainable hotel planning is a key service offered by Wise Sustainability Ltd. They assist hotels in developing long-term sustainability solutions for accommodation. Their expertise lies in creating plans that are environmentally responsible and economically viable.

Sustainable Solutions for Hotels: Near Me in Australia

For hotels in Australia seeking sustainable solutions, Wise Sustainability Ltd is a nearby and reliable option. They offer some of the best services in the field, focused on sustainable hotel planning and management.

Wise Sustainability Ltd is not a hotel business but a provider of sustainability solutions for hotels. They are dedicated to helping hotels reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in the hospitality industry.

Equipping your staff with knowledge is key to helping them feel confident with sharing your sustainability story with guests. 

Click the image to learn more about My Green Academy’s internationally recognised flagship course, Understanding and Applying Sustainability, that delivers knowledge, confidence and encourages the right behavioural change for your needs.