The intelligent and responsible solution to the high cost of heating and cooling.

You want peace of mind knowing your air conditioning and heating systems are operating efficiently without high costs.

You want your guests to enjoy a comfortable room environment and gain actionable insights for further savings, especially with renewable energy. 

Comfort Controller, designed by hospitality experts, offers the most advanced solution with immediate returns. 

Continuous sustainability
progress for hospitality
by helping





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The importance of getting
heating and cooling right.

Heating and cooling typically account for 60% of a hotel’s energy use, and in smaller properties, it can be even higher.

To reduce costs, carbon footprint, and improve efficiency, intelligent thermal comfort management is essential.

Many properties struggle with central heating and air conditioning being controlled directly at the equipment. This makes remote management from a centralised office difficult, consuming staff time, and wasting money.

In many properties, heating and cooling are often
left on, even when key tags and sensors are used,
Comfort Controller solves this problem.

Intelligently adapts to your climate zone

Whether you are in tropical Darwin or cool Edinburgh, Comfort Controller automatically adjusts to your climate zone, addressing the issue of standardised temperatures that fail to acclimatise guests as well as wasting energy.

It responds to real-time weather changes, eliminating unnecessary heating or cooling and substantially reducing energy use, leading to significant savings.

Customised maintenance schedules to ensure equipment functions optimally reduce repair costs, improve energy efficiency, and prevent guest complaints.

Comfort Controller is an advanced energy management system that gives you full control over your property(ies).

Real-time actionable insights

Compares room performance with energy use, and records guest thermal comfort satisfaction, enabling you to master comfort control while saving energy, costs, and carbon.

Integrated LoRaWan Protocol

We are experts in wireless technologies using LoRaWAN protocol that can integrate with motion and door/window sensors.

Tailored for YOUR business

As an intelligent system, it allows customisation at every level, with unique schedules for different rooms, zones (e.g., sun-exposed rooms), and even guest origin (see our blog!).

Easy and seamless installation

Our system is easy to install and can be retrofitted in any building type, without requiring specialist technicians or engineering knowledge.

Hotel Sustainability Solutions by Wise Sustainability Ltd

Sustainable Hotel Management in Australia

Wise Sustainability Ltd, based in Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia, specializes in sustainable hotel management solutions. They focus on providing innovative and strategic sustainable planning for hotels, aiming to enhance environmental sustainability in the hospitality industry.

Environmental Sustainability in Hotels: A Wise Approach

Wise Sustainability Ltd offers unique solutions to drive environmental sustainability in hotels. Their approach includes practical tools like a UN-recognized guest experience app. This app helps hotels in Australia and Europe engage guests and promote green hospitality management.

Innovative Sustainable Hotel Practices

At Wise Sustainability Ltd, the emphasis is on implementing innovative, sustainable hotel practices. They assist hotels in adopting practices that not only comply with sustainability standards but also set new benchmarks in the industry.

Green Solutions for Hotel Management

Wise Sustainability Ltd provides green solutions for hotel management. Their services are designed to help hotels in Australia adopt sustainable accommodation strategies. They offer advice and solutions tailored to the unique needs of each hotel, ensuring the best sustainable hospitality management practices.

Strategic Sustainable Hotel Planning

Strategic sustainable hotel planning is a key service offered by Wise Sustainability Ltd. They assist hotels in developing long-term sustainability solutions for accommodation. Their expertise lies in creating plans that are environmentally responsible and economically viable.

Sustainable Solutions for Hotels: Near Me in Australia

For hotels in Australia seeking sustainable solutions, Wise Sustainability Ltd is a nearby and reliable option. They offer some of the best services in the field, focused on sustainable hotel planning and management.

Wise Sustainability Ltd is not a hotel business but a provider of sustainability solutions for hotels. They are dedicated to helping hotels reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in the hospitality industry.

Equipping your staff with knowledge is key to sustainable success.

My Green Academy’s flagship course, Understanding and Applying Sustainability, offers hospitality-specific insights that foster impactful change.

Click image to learn more about our internationally recognised training options.