The WISE Widget is the first responsible sustainability reporter that updates real-time progress made by a tourist accommodation business.

We created the WISE Widget to build consumer confidence, make it easier for consumers to recognise and understand sustainably performance, and to differentiate progressive tourist accommodation by using facts not Greenwashing.

What the WISE widget delivers

Consumers are overwhelmed by eco statements. The EU Commissions recently reported that 61% of consumers said it was difficult to find a product that was environmentally friendly; and 44% of consumers do not trust environmental claims (Van-Ormelingen, B. 2024*). Yet we know from research that 75% of travellers desire to travel more sustainably.

What is required is clear, transparent, robust information that states achievements not pathway comments (these are broad statements about reducing carbon emissions for example, over time without any specific plans).

After careful evaluations of the forthcoming legislation (EU Green Claims Directive) and other relevant scientific research, we developed the WISE Widget to:

How it works

We collect data every 15 minutes from sensors that monitor resources. Our system selects data sets which comply with rules (algorithms) that analysis resources/waste. Examples that show the hotel’s achievements are published live on the WISE Widget that is displayed on your website or other digital channels; you only need to add the source code to your site.

WISE Widget reports around the clock on:

  • electricity, gas, water, hot water, food waste, other waste streams,
  • guests use
  • staff use
  • monitor individual projects that test new approaches to running operations e.g. equipment settings.

As hospitality experts WISE Sustainability independently verifies the following:

How we regulate (non-compliance)

How do I get it?

What is the cost?

Equipping your staff with knowledge is key to sustainable success.

My Green Academy’s flagship course, Understanding and Applying Sustainability, offers hospitality-specific insights that foster impactful change.

Click image to learn more about our internationally recognised training options.